I want to resign my position, but I heard that my credentials could be suspended if I do. Is that true?

Yes, if you resign your position without the written consent of the board of education after July 10th and before you have fulfilled the duties of your contract, the Ohio Department of Education, Office of Professional Conduct can suspend all of your Ohio Department of Education issued credentials for up to one year. It is imperative that you not submit your resignation without board of education written consent, or without first seeking legal advice from us at Albeit Masters, LLC. Depending upon your particular circumstance, legal counsel may be able to help you either secure an agreed upon resignation to avoid suspension, or an alternative setup that addresses your goals and needs.

Can my employer force me to fulfill my contract if I never signed it?

In all likelihood, yes. If you have been rendering educational services to your district and they have been rendering you payment in exchange, failure to sign your contract will not be a valid defense to a breach of contract made by your employer. Of course, each case’s facts can vary, so we recommend you reach out to us at Albeit Masters to discuss the enforceability of your contract.

If you have questions or concerns about the enforceability of your contract, about your ability to resign, about your reassignment to a different position or different building, or about potential non-renewal or termination of your contract, contact us at Albeit Masters, LLC for a consultation.